Keep your focus and walk your path! (Goal Setting during Covid Times!!)

I have been preparing for the session Tomm. 11 am on Goal Setting in great enthusiasm!
I watched the Covid status in the night…All my energy drained!!
This is exactly that I wanted to caution about in my session Tomm. However, I have fallen into the same tragic well!
Things have changed. People are dying. The numbers don’t tell the real story, but the videos are.
The help is on the way. However, it will take time and the number of cases and deaths for the next few weeks are inevitable.
We are still talking about treating the ill. We are not yet talking about stopping the virus. Vaccinations are on the way, but will the mutation speed seem to be racing high!
We still don’t know if we are doing the right moves to stop the virus, which we will come to know only after a couple of months.
The projections say virus would peak in May, but they didn’t project the second wave!!
In these extra ordinary circumstances, what are we supposed to do?
To be in pain and sadness is not going to help.
The economy is already in bad shape. If I run my business, the people who are dependent on my business will not suffer. If I panic and freeze, it is not going to help me or the others who are dependent on me.
Things may get better in future or may not!!
We simply have to get used to these lock-down, steep curves, death surges, oxygen shortages, vaccine delays, etc..That could simply be the future for at least for an year or more!
Can we stop dreaming till then?That would be fatal for the economy.
To be able to jump out of all this mess, keeping our spirit high and doing what you truly want to contribute to the community interms of oxygen, healing or economy is a national duty right now.
In Tomm.’s session, I am intending to talk about how we need to get used to all the mess around us and assume that things are not going to get better any soon and still keep doing what we want to do to support ourselves and the people around us in the way we can.
It is very tough for all of us to focus, get our act together, co-ordinate stuff to make things happen, but I think we don’t have an option.
We can’t stand idle and watch all the tragic stories that unfolds in our screens .
We need to step up. do our business and keep moving, even if we don’t have the clarity of where we are moving towards…!!
That clarity will dawn as we move!!
Being in the moment, not knowing the destiny, but walking forward to serve the cause of our being in this situation here is true leadership for me in this moment!!
Stay Optimistic!! Pray for those who have fallen sick! Cry for those who passed away in dire circumstances!
but keep moving, if you are well….and with all the precautions & safety!!
Time : 11 am to 1 noon
Day : 25th April (Sunday)
Theme : Keep your focus and Walk your path!(Goal Setting during Covid Times!!)
Cost : Rs.1000/-
To join, please WhatsApp me on +91 9446 174 009