NLP & Ayurveda – From Disease to Ease! – 1

Covid is gone, but the long covid effects are not gone for many…
We had a friend in whose family all were vaccinated, while in my family none of us got vaccinated. My friend sounded very careful before the covid strikes…but now after covid struck both our families not once, but twice…he seem to wonder what effect vaccine had on their immunity.
While we fought covid with traditional medicines, he took the modern route. Relatively, the covid episode is over for us, while the long covid effect is still haunting them.
His opinion on Vaccination is not as firm as he used to be before. He is like…”I dont know what effect vaccination has had on us”…The story that without vaccination things would have been even more worse was not convincing, as their family’s suffering during covid was not any easy. His wife was a fan of homeopathy, but now after covid ordeals…this man has silently shifted his loyalty to homeopathy seeing that his wife was doing better. He keeps Allopathy as the last resort now.
Any one can win these arguments by mixing data/fact/opinion/possibilities…etc…but getting convincing results on the ground without an iota of doubt is not easy.
I had this voice issue due to gastric reflux during my 26 years…and later eczema during my late thirties..
These names come from Modern Medicines, so it was easy to classify what sect of disease I belonged to. I had a name and I could search and read about it and run my fantasies about it. All this was good, but the issue was I couldn’t cure it.
Modern Medicine is a very good manager of status-quo. It is almost like a flight is taken hostage and you send modern medicine in this situation. It can just keep the hostage situation for ever. It wouldn’t kill the terrorists nor it would bring the hostages out. It would just keep negotiating forever, that there would be no harm to hostages, but they can’t make it out to freedom.
I believed the gastric reflux was a disease till I figured out an ayurvedic medicine to cure it. Next time, when I had eczema…I figured out a long list of medicines from Swami can cure it. I believed his words…and today I am free of eczema with a new skin and no sign of any skin problem ever.
So I would say the word disease refers to some situation where there is a lack of medicines. So for example, if there is a medicine for curing a disease, then we dont have to call it a disease. You can ease yourself from that disease using that medicine and simply forget about the disease and carry on with your life as usual.
When you see and experience results in your body, you would understand what I mean.
But if you dont figure out the medicine, then you are likely to recognise that disease, make a definition, meaning and a thesis on the disease and keep repeating it to yourself every day how you succumbed to that disease.
Ayurveda has a huge resource of medicines and these medicines are partly in our cuisine and are constantly doing the preventive work on disease. This is specific to the South Indian Culture…I dont deny other cultures do have this sort of practice, but the South Indian culture is an epitome of this practice.
With Pizzas, Burgers, Biscuits & Cakes storming the food world in the last century, the preventive care is waning day by day. Recently with the surge in Swiggy deliveries, there is also a surge in diseases and illnesses for those who depend on those deliveries for their daily food.
Now, the confusion caused with all the advent of knowledge, theories and new culture of eating, working & sleeping, the whole fortress of health in our culture is damaged. The situation is that even with the right medicine, the mind is not wanting to accept it or agree to let-go of the name of disease that has been tagged on one’s identity.
Here comes the need for counselling. People who take ayurveda with counselling get more results compared to people who take ayurveda without counselling.
I have seen this personally in so many cases that I have worked with.
So if you have a disease that is not going away and is ready to take over you and your life, then do ask yourself, if you ever tried Ayurveda?
More importantly, if you ever tried Ayurveda with Counselling?
If I have to bring in my specialialisation, did you try Ayurveda with NLP?
A Mumbai man who came out of covid, but had fixed a date for his sugery in the abdomen, simply because he was vomiting any small thing that he ate and he was loosing weight quickly. He requested the doctor to postpone the surgery by 15 days, which the doctor agreed reluctantly and he signed up for my course NLP & Ayurveda.
After 10 days with Swami’s Ayurvedic medicines alongside my NLP workshop, he went back and reported that he is now playing tennis with much more stamina than he ever thought he had…
All this happened in 2020 in the middle of the covid lock-downs.
His disease disappeared and His ease came back!!
I was not surprised, as I know the effectiveness of NLP & Ayurveda
NLP & Ayurveda has the potential to outsmart many modern dogmas and belief system about medicines and mental health.
NLP is from the west and Ayurveda is from the east!!
Together they are simply too powerful to handle most diseases in this world!!
– Ashok Subramanian
(Whatsapp +91 94461 74009 to join our next 10 days retreat on NLP & Ayurveda in Munnar, Kerala, if you simply want to get well or if you are curious to learn and equip yourself to help others using NLP & Ayurveda!)