1 to 1 Coaching – Annual Package

30000/- for 15 hours – Valid for 1 Year!
There have been times, when I avoided 1 to 1 Coaching in my life , as I was not ready for a long time.
But Covid break changed a lot. I was offering 1 to 1 coaching workshop for 6 weeks as a course and many did take that.
I have listened more and offered my advice on the areas that I felt needed intervention. I have gotten closer with people knowing their lives in and out to be able to help them resolve the situation by analysing it from various angles. This may have been a much needed support in that time.
I also discovered my strength in 1 to 1 coaching in the process of these courses.
Recently one of my participants who took up a 10 hour 1 to 1 coaching package over 6 weeks exhausted it in 3 weeks and told me that he would like to take up more time with me and pay whatever necessary for the same. Luckily, I wasn’t tired myself coaching him as he seem to be putting things into action and moving towards desirable results.
So I have thought of offering an annual package costing Rs.30,000/- which would involve 15 hours of coaching over an year…which almost works out to roughly 1 hour per month or you could exhaust all of it within a month, if you have a situation at hand.
The coaching will involve assessing your personality, offering advises on situations, teaching NLP models relevant to you and your life in a 1 to 1 format.
If you wonder if I will have solutions for every problem that you face…I would say…I have read more than 10000 life stories of people over the the last two decades and yes, I have learnt many many situations in life and how people handled it and what approaches worked well. So I think I haven’t had a situation, where I didn’t know what to do so far.
So you could keep as a coach for grooming your personality and I promise to bring out your best within that year and You could see a vast difference in your personal growth and happiness compared to the earlier years…
Also, If you would like to just take an hour coaching that is possible too at the cost of Rs.3000/- per hour.
Obviously the Annual package would work cheaper 🙂
– Ashok Subramanian, NLP Trainer (WhatsApp : +91 9446 174 009)